My Home in Japan
Hikari city of Yamaguchi-ken

Nijigahama Hanabi Taikai
Welcome to my blog that took months of laziness to finally get uploaded. This is my home, Hikari and it means light. I suppose some would interpret it as the city of lights, but please don't be fooled by it's name. The only time I thought Hikari had any lights was at the time of this picture. It was taken at Nijigahama beach near my home during the summer, a time when much more was going on. There were light shows, a few performers, some bars along the beach and a nice roof-top beer garden at a hotel nearby. The beach is pretty quiet this time of the year, but be sure to come check it out when summer time comes again. Although a little quiet and small, I've grown to appreciate this city's generous crowd, landscape, location and ofcourse the excitement of finding new things here when I thought that's all there to it.
The past 7 months have been an attempt to juggle with the burdens of the past and the neverending changes of the new: from busy to boredom, summer to shivers, fresh to familiar and lovers to strangers. Nothing stops and nothing remains. I know I'm not alone in feeling the ups and downs of the freaky unknown. So this is both a reminder and a note of encouragement to those who feel me. Pleasant or painful, home or Japan, all things work out in the end... someway... somehow. And this belief, I found, has proven itself true battle after battle.