Welcome New JETs
A little late I know, since it is October. But I had every intention to put it up. Just been a bit busy and my blogging abilities are pretty low to be honest. The New JETs arrived in August and I must say that a lot of them are quite cool people. I've had the chance to hang out a lot of the new kouhai's near me like Daniel, Sherona, Brett, Choco, Ashley S., and they are loads of fun.

(Above: I'm not exactly sure what's going on here but it looks like Daniel (left) and Keith (right) were having a good time. Please use your own imagination)
(Above: Keith and some new JETs. Boy doesn't Daniel look messed)
(Above: Let me introduce this fine bachelor of Yamaguchi ken. If you don't know this guy, it's fine. Not many people have seen this Kudamatsu man. On a regular day off, he enjoys avoiding people's phone calls and keeping his number a secret. His hobbies are staying home, talking to Brett and only Brett. He is not a picky man. As long as you're ok with not being able to get a hold of him all times of the day, you have a chance. Oh yeah, and of course you'd have to be able to get along with Brett too. For further information, please call Brett)
(Above: Too many karaoke divas in this room. Can't compete)
(Above: Love of the Brown Hat: featuring Laura McOrmond)
(Above: Love of the Brown Hat II: Starring Dan the Man)
(Above: The Original Love of the Brown Hat: return of the Diva )Beach and BBQ: Nijigahama
The weekend after the first kencho meeting, I invited some JETs in the area to a BBQ that Keith and I had organized with some of our super cool J-friends (Japanese, if you're unfamiliar). It was a perfect day for beach and BBQ. I was a little worried about jellyfish season coming around but the turn-out was amazing. Only Brett and Marko got stung but that's ok. They're touch guys. Thanks to Keisuke and Yousuke, we had tons of good food to eat.
(Above from left to right: Brett, Keith, Kevin, Ashley M., Mark, Ashley S., Kathryn, Kathryn's boyfriend, Choco)
(Above: Yousuke, Keisuke, me and Keith showing off our "so-buff" bods)
(Above: Here's Sherona, the new JET who is stationed in Hikari with me)
(Left: Is Choco from Kudamatsu and Kathryn from Iwakuni. Loving the boob-patches Choco. You ARE an artist!)
After BBQ-ing at the beach, we decided to go to the infamous Jack and Betty for some karaoke and round two of drinking.
Keith and I: The sexiest mother #$%^&*#'s in town
Shogo, a local j-friend and I
I think we were possibly the drunkest people that night. I don't remember these pix at all. A good ending to the night I suppose.
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