Firework Festival in Murozumi (Hikari)
This festival is much like all the other firework festivals held in most other towns: yakisoba, yakitori, yukata, fireworks. There was nothing particularly special about it except that there were a lot Hikari locals who attended. Seeing many familiar faces and talking with neighbors and friends I've made over the year made me feel like a part of the community and reminded me that this is my home.
You'll never believe the troubles you go through with putting on a Yukata (summer kimono). It's like a 15-step process and that's before the obi (ribbon tie). I'm not joking. Check it out:
Like always, I over-estimated my abilities and attempted to put one on that hot, humid, 30 degree summer day. Gave up in like 5 mins and ran to my neighbor in desperation. I guess it's not something all Japanese knew how to do because the moment she left, it was falling apart. Thank goodness for safety pins.
mmm.... i loooove festival food.
(Above: Trying to blend right in with the students. I know you can't find me.)

(Above: Question: What do you do when you bump into students as you're about to buy kakigori?)

(Above: Just Crystal and I trying to do our best "J" pose)
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