Halloween 2006
Not less extraordinary as last year's, I was, however, disappointed to see so few JETs attend the party. Where the hell did everybody go? Well, if you missed out, here are some pics to fill you in. And by the way, I'm not Alias nor a member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad (Kill Bill). Just an assassin who prefers to work alone.
(Above: Skele-Takuo and Count Yasuyuki (from Yamaguchi) and I grabbing a last minute bite at 7-11 before the party)
(Above: Me and Satoru from Tokuyama. Beer and guns go well together)
(Above: Me with Go from Yamaguchi. Have you ever seen a man happier than him at gunpoint?)
(Above: Not that you can differentiate but it's Haruki, Shohei and Satoru from Tokuyama)
(Above: By coincidence, we had a Michael and Janet in the house)
(Above: Daniel and I. There's something totally wrong about this picture that I can't seem to point out)
Winners of 2006 Best pair costumes: Docomo Girls...who trashed the party of mainly "au" users.
(Above: DJ HG... Stirling's missing the hat but he made it up with his superb Hard Gay dance)
(Above: Comrade Pauline, me and ex-member of the Yakuza)
(Above: Pauline and I are seen here protecting Rosie, the gossiper from Claire, the threat. Apparently, Rosie's history of gossiping has created much tension throughout the Yamaguchi-ken. Members of both the Gaijin-triad and the Nihonjin-mafia, have demanded her death for a reward of unlimited beer all year round. This enticing offer has already caused a great stir in the JET organized crime society. Members such as Steph Karangis (AKA: El Diablo) and Keith Lonsdale (AKA: Left-Eye Lonsdale for his ruthlessness after a few drinks) have already made attempts to eliminate Miss Martin. We will be ensuring her safety for the rest of her gossiping career in Japan)
(Above: The pregrant nun, Saori is seen here preaching to me about the sins of killing)
(Above: Is somebody drunk?)
(Above: Is my sempai (senior). The fishnet stockings would indicate we're from the same branch. Seen a lot of fishnets around? Well then, you better watch out)
(Above: Left-eye here disguises himself as the rocker, Sid Vicious, so he could weasel his way in for the kill... of Ms. Rosie)
(Above: At the end of the night, Satoru and Haruki's obvious hint of "I'm drunk, tired and want to get the hell outta here" look)
I think halloween is definitely your holiday Ms. Yiu. The pink wig should be a feature at Christmas, and, I did notice Rosie missing at some point during the night. Which one got her? ^_-
Good piccies diva chan! wow, what a wig! u should wear it when you cycle at night hehe. looks like fun times in Yanai!!
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