Monday, January 29, 2007

Preparing for the next chapter

Vietnam was a great break from Japan but I got pretty homesick near the end. Yes, Japan really is home now. I remember talking to my dad during my trip and saying I was homesick (Japan) and he sternly said, "Calgary is home, NOT Japan." I think he was a little concerned about me wanting to stay another year. Even I was worried about that. You know that deep down you've made up your mind, but when the whole "recontracting" time comes up, you start doubting your decision. I actually had to contemplate for weeks but I'd say I'm one of the luckier ones as others seemed to have more difficulty making that final decision. I finally went into my work and told them I won't be staying. I felt immediate relief, rather than regret, so I think I've made the right decision. So here's the official announcement... book your days off and buy some beers cuz.. I'M COMING HOME BABY!

Though there isn't a sense of regret, the sadness sure kicked in earlier than I expected. Living away from Canada for the past 2 years has it's inevitable results; When I think about my hometown Calgary, there was always a very cozy, familiar feeling to it. But now, that might just be a mere memory as Hikari has slowly replaced Calgary's title of home. Knowing one world before kept me satisfied because I didn't know life anywhere else. After living somewhere else for a while, you can never be satisfied again because you know you can only be in one place at one time and you can't have the best of both worlds (or many worlds for you crazy travelers). Re-adjusting will feel strange too. Most people think I'm thinking too much when I say this but it's true. Not just in the language aspect but literally everything. I find that I move, talk and walk a lot slower. I do a lot of awkward bowing now. Being passive is a part of my daily life (or more so anyway, as it is pretty hard for me to be passive). Gotta snap out of that slow, conservative mentality from the rice patties.

Below are some pictures taken when Paul, Pauline and I went to southern parts of Vietnam.
Do Enjoy ne...

mmm... a moment to last forever...

That's right! We were the honoured occupants of the all new, high quality Kitty-chan plane. It was intensely Hello Kitty. Even the food was shaped like her.
People watching... Saigon, Ho Chi Min

Vietnamese people seem to enjoy squatting in all situations.

They also enjoy doing everything in the streets. Above, a man was performing a type of Chinese medical therapy using fire and glasses to suck out the feng in the receiver's body -on the street.

Words of wisdom

The infamous piss wall in the central part of Saigon

Come take part in the ritual

New Year's Eve in Saigon was great. The people were down-to-earth, fearless and real. What better way to celebrate NY's than to be out in the streets with these crazy folks.

The next morning... hungover, tired and about to eat a Vietnamese sub that Pauline managed to find, wrapped with someone's math homework .

Check out my swollen feet from all the walking.

Riding the Mekong

The hustles and bustles of the floating market.

"yeah, we're cool... yea, we're chill...."

simply content

Vietnamese floating konbini (convenience store)
Floating Market on the Mekong

Not exactly sure but assuming that the stick that's raised on the end of the boat is used to advertise their products of the day.

Here's to the lady who rowed us, and many many others, back and forth the Mekong all day long. otsukaresama

Rice paper: You've heard of it. You've seen it. Most of you have even eaten it. Now here's how you make it.

Caodai Church

Caodaism is a fairly new and but popular religion in Vietnam. It combines the best ideas from a variety of religions and beliefs such as Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianist ideology and Islam.

Crawling beneath... CuChi Tunnels

Paul: Happy to be inside a tunnel at Cu Chi

Doesn't Pauline look like a pro. I bet you she does this on a Sunday afternoon. Makes me wonder what she says when students ask her, "what sport do you like?"

We believe in peace

A taste of Guerilla warfare. Used to hide and attack when enemies approach.

A spike trap on the ground

Spike trap hung on the door. Once the enemy approaches and opens the door, it will fall down and hit them. The henge in the middle is designed for a it to bend so that even if the enemy tries to dodge it, the bottom half cannot be blocked. A fool-proof design.

Sun bathing in the "Terracotta"... Mui Ne Beach Resorts


At 12:28 PM , Blogger megan said...

sorry for not writing back sooner...did you get my letter?? :) and how did i not know you had a blog?? i linked you to mine and finally updated it. love the vietnam pics, esp the smiling people on the river. you're coming back?! come visit me in seattle!! hey, i might be visiting my cousin in fukuoka AND the guch in april...maybe. miss ya. xoxo :)

At 12:06 AM , Blogger DiVa said...

hey... i did get your letter. it made my day. thx. yeah, my blog was suppose to be low profile but c/o becky or angie, i guess it isn't lol. i am DEFINITELY visiting you in seattle. it's so close (well, in comparison to the rest of the world). but yeah, matt polski msged me last week and sounded like he was planning to come for a visit too. that would be cool if you guys came the same time. YAY!!! more hikari days.... ps: your blog makes me want to go to hawaii.. hehe


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